Before You Complain

Think of someone who can't speak
Before you complain about the taste of your food
Think of someone who has nothing to eat
Before you complain of not having enough
Think of someone who's begging on the street
Before you complaint of being ugly
Think of someone who's actually in the worst of states of life
Before you complain about your husband or wife
Think of someone who's crying out to God for a companion
Today before you complain about life
Think of someone who went too early to heaven
Before you complain about your children
Think of someone who desires children but they're barren
Before you argue about your dirty house someone didn't clean or sweep
Think of the people who are living in the streets
Before whining about the distance you drive
Think of someone who walks the same distance with their feet
And when you are tired and complain about your job
Think of the unemployed, the disabled and those who wished they had your job
But before you think of pointing the finger or condemning another
Remember that not one of us are without sin
We all answer to one maker
And when depressing thoughts seem to get you down
Put a smile on your face and thank God you're alive and still around
Life is a gift
Live it...
Enjoy it...
Celebrate it...
And fulfill it.
And while you are at it give love to someone today
Love someone with what you do and the words you say
Love is not meant to be kept locked inside of us and hidden
So give it away
Give Love to someone today !!
You don't love someone because they're beautiful .
They're beautiful because you love them .
It's true you don't know what you've got until its gone, but its also true
You don't know what you've been missing until it arrives!!!
To send a letter is a good way to go somewhere
without moving anything, but your heart.
Warm regards,

Tuesday, August 25, 2009 | Labels: Motivation | 5 Comments
Complain Less and Give More
This time... I wanna share some pictures to you. And I hope these pictures will remain me and you. Now let's think about it, when we have some problem, do we often complain..?? If so...try to take a look at these pictures below:

Are you still complaining?
Observe around you and be thankful for all that you have in this transitory lifetime....
Let us complain less and give more!
Warm regards,

Thursday, August 20, 2009 | Labels: Motivation | 0 Comments
What's New...
Welcome back here...
After my last post (about this very day "17 August"), finally I can write a post again now. still related to the 64th of Indonesian Anniversary. This morning, after having a ceremony to celebrate Indonesian Anniversary, I have an idea to posting it to this blog. Don't worry I won't talk about the ceremony ^_^. What I mean is I wanna put some attribute of the anniversary here in my blog, but I haven't had an idea how to do it. So... I browse some blogs (some people say it "blogwalking" ^_^), and finally I found one blog suit with my idea. Then... I try to find how to do it. Well... it's not as easy as I thought, I search for couple hours but nothing come to my minds.
So I have another idea, in one of the blog that I visit, I see a cool stuff (now I know it's called "widget") and I wanna modified it to anniversary attribute. And... I search again the logo of the 64th Indonesian Anniversary, and mix it with the picture of the widget.'s done... I can't believe it... I really love it. It's perfect I think ^_^. Well you can see the result on the top-left of my blog, there you can find this :

So..what do you think...?? It's perfect Isn't it..?? I think I will put it there until next month.
By the way... I wanna talk a little about my blog ^_^. If you ever visit this blog in the previous days, perhaps you'll found some differences.'re right... I make some changes in the theme and add some widgets too. The first thing is I change the sad anime picture (in header) into the smile one. Well I hope you like to see smile face than the sad one. Look at the picture below...and you'll see the difference between those two picture:

It's better isn't it..?? But, I'm still put the sad one in the bottom-right of my blog (if you wanna see it). The other things that I change are I added some widget. At the top-right you can see the "I love my blog widget" widget, I put "follow me I'll then follow you" widget at the bottom-right of this blog, so it'll remain you to follow this blog when visit this blog ^_^. I also add "mind to comments?" at the bottom-left of my blog and I hope when you read it, you'll understand what I mean ^_^.
But not only those widget I had add it to this blog. I also add clock widget, visitors widget (so I know how many people has visiting my blog and where they come from), Online Visitors widget (so I know how many online people who are reading my blog in real time). And this is I like the most "the chat box" widget, I hope whoever visiting this blog left any words in this chat box ^_^. The last thing I added is "live traffic feed" widget, this widget contain information about how do people come to my blog (from google search, facebook, shoutmix, etc).
Well... I think I can add some feature tool too in my blog...but not now, just wait and see.... ^_^.
Warm regards,

After my last post (about this very day "17 August"), finally I can write a post again now. still related to the 64th of Indonesian Anniversary. This morning, after having a ceremony to celebrate Indonesian Anniversary, I have an idea to posting it to this blog. Don't worry I won't talk about the ceremony ^_^. What I mean is I wanna put some attribute of the anniversary here in my blog, but I haven't had an idea how to do it. So... I browse some blogs (some people say it "blogwalking" ^_^), and finally I found one blog suit with my idea. Then... I try to find how to do it. Well... it's not as easy as I thought, I search for couple hours but nothing come to my minds.
So I have another idea, in one of the blog that I visit, I see a cool stuff (now I know it's called "widget") and I wanna modified it to anniversary attribute. And... I search again the logo of the 64th Indonesian Anniversary, and mix it with the picture of the widget.'s done... I can't believe it... I really love it. It's perfect I think ^_^. Well you can see the result on the top-left of my blog, there you can find this :

So..what do you think...?? It's perfect Isn't it..?? I think I will put it there until next month.
By the way... I wanna talk a little about my blog ^_^. If you ever visit this blog in the previous days, perhaps you'll found some differences.'re right... I make some changes in the theme and add some widgets too. The first thing is I change the sad anime picture (in header) into the smile one. Well I hope you like to see smile face than the sad one. Look at the picture below...and you'll see the difference between those two picture:

It's better isn't it..?? But, I'm still put the sad one in the bottom-right of my blog (if you wanna see it). The other things that I change are I added some widget. At the top-right you can see the "I love my blog widget" widget, I put "follow me I'll then follow you" widget at the bottom-right of this blog, so it'll remain you to follow this blog when visit this blog ^_^. I also add "mind to comments?" at the bottom-left of my blog and I hope when you read it, you'll understand what I mean ^_^.
But not only those widget I had add it to this blog. I also add clock widget, visitors widget (so I know how many people has visiting my blog and where they come from), Online Visitors widget (so I know how many online people who are reading my blog in real time). And this is I like the most "the chat box" widget, I hope whoever visiting this blog left any words in this chat box ^_^. The last thing I added is "live traffic feed" widget, this widget contain information about how do people come to my blog (from google search, facebook, shoutmix, etc).
Well... I think I can add some feature tool too in my blog...but not now, just wait and see.... ^_^.
Warm regards,

Monday, August 17, 2009 | Labels: Lovely Country | 4 Comments
The 64th of Indonesian Independence Day
Today post, is a special present to my lovely country Indonesia that celebrate it's 64th annyversary. As a good citizen (well... I try to be good citizen ^_^), I think there is something I wanna do for my country, of the thing is I wanna write something about my country especially in it's anniversary. it to the end and you can give me a comment ^_^.
If you are living in Indonesia or if you're a foreigner who comes to Indonesia, this month will be a celebration of it's Independence Day. The Independence Day of Indonesia will be on 17 August, and this year will
be the 64th. It's a young for a country isn't it..?? If we take back our memory to the previous years of 64 years ago... maybe we can truly imagine how hard this country to take it's Independence. Think about it, this nation had been colonised for about 350 years (wow..that's too long for a country to live under the colonialist). For a whole 350 years.. the country and it's nation must be really suffered, and maybe some of the people were lost their hope. But thanks to GOD for His Grace and the will power of the Indonesian people, finally this country take it's Independence.
The moment was take place on 17 August 1945, when Soekarno (the 1st president of Indonesia) in the name of Indonesian Nation proclaim the independence of Indonesia. Wew... I wish I was there to be a witness of this historical day, but you know... I haven't even born on that year ^_^. Today.. sometime... especially in this month...when I see people around me who celebrate this happy day, deep inside my heart I wanna thanks again to GOD and to the heroes of this country. I can see how they (people around me) celebrate the independence day, to remain and of course to teach the young generation how to thanks for the independence day. On the streets, schools, buildings, and also on news media there you can find many atributes that refer to the independence day. And of course there will be also several game that will make you wanna join and feel the fun with others.
By the way, just now... I try to browse the original of the Proclaim Text that were read by Soekarno 64 years ago. And I found these twoo. The first picture is the original text written by Soekarno who help Muh Hatta and A Soebardjo (the persons who arrange the text).
.If you are living in Indonesia or if you're a foreigner who comes to Indonesia, this month will be a celebration of it's Independence Day. The Independence Day of Indonesia will be on 17 August, and this year will

The moment was take place on 17 August 1945, when Soekarno (the 1st president of Indonesia) in the name of Indonesian Nation proclaim the independence of Indonesia. Wew... I wish I was there to be a witness of this historical day, but you know... I haven't even born on that year ^_^. Today.. sometime... especially in this month...when I see people around me who celebrate this happy day, deep inside my heart I wanna thanks again to GOD and to the heroes of this country. I can see how they (people around me) celebrate the independence day, to remain and of course to teach the young generation how to thanks for the independence day. On the streets, schools, buildings, and also on news media there you can find many atributes that refer to the independence day. And of course there will be also several game that will make you wanna join and feel the fun with others.
By the way, just now... I try to browse the original of the Proclaim Text that were read by Soekarno 64 years ago. And I found these twoo. The first picture is the original text written by Soekarno who help Muh Hatta and A Soebardjo (the persons who arrange the text).

Proklamasi Kami bangsa Indonesia dengan ini menjatakan kemerdekaan Indonesia. Hal-hal jang mengenai pemindahan kekoeasaan d.l.l., diselenggarakan dengan tjara saksama dan dalam tempoh jang sesingkat-singkatnja. Djakarta, 17 - 8 - '05 Wakil2 bangsa Indonesia.
And the second picture is the original proclaim text typed by Sayuti Melik (or Sajoeti Melik), he is one of a young man who involved in the proclaim preparation.

Kami bangsa Indonesia dengan ini menjatakan kemerdekaan Indonesia. Hal-hal jang mengenai pemindahan kekoeasaan d.l.l., diselenggarakan dengan tjara seksama dan dalam tempo jang sesingkat-singkatnja. Djakarta, hari 17 boelan 8 tahoen 05 Atas nama bangsa Indonesia. Soekarno/Hatta.
Well... I'm glad I can post it here ^_^. At least, it will also remain me to keep the heroes hope of this country (and I hope it'll also remain you as the reader of this post ^_^). Let's keep and continue the fight of our heroes, now we're still have enemies in front of us. Our enemies are coruption, poverty, crime, idleness, etc. We must fight it...!!!
He.he..he.. I think I can be a motivator, don't you think so... ^_^.
Warm regards,

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY" my lovely Country, I will be your pride...
He.he..he.. I think I can be a motivator, don't you think so... ^_^.
Warm regards,

Friday, August 14, 2009 | Labels: Lovely Country | 8 Comments
Thanks GOD for today

Just now... a friend of mine (he is an anime lover too ^_^) send me a link of his anime picture in my facebook. He draw the anime just with a pencil, but I think the picture is so cool... it's seems so alive. I thought to myself..will I can be like him in anime drawing? I think I need to keep learn how to draw and keep practise it right...???
By the way... if you ever visit my anime collection, there are no picture there (at least until I write this post ^_^), but I've already decide to put this anime picture to my there will be picture there. And of course I will add more picture there.
Fuih...what a hard day today... I feel so tired. Most of my friend around me are get a cold, so I think the virus is begin to attack me too.... :(. I have to keep my body health... how lucky, one of them bring a vitamin and give me one.'s help me a little from a pain of getting cold.
But when I think of a whole day until now... I think everything is fine, I really should give thanks to GOD for guide me through the day today. And I should say sorry too for all of my complaint to HIM, really... if I think more and more...... He is so good to me, I don't know how to pay back HIS Grace in my whole lifetime. Only pray and praise I think that I could give to HIM. Don't you think so..?? Let's think about it: I have mom (my father already gone), sisters , brothers, friends, health, I can breath a fresh air anytime, I can see wonderful things in my life, I can walk through the street in front of my house, I can hear beautiful songs, I can draw anime with my own hand, I can taste delicious food, I can smile, I can cry, I can feel love, I can share my feeling to others, and so much more wonderful things that happen in my life and some times I didn't realize it that all of them are come from GOD. Thanks GOD for everything....
OK guys... I think that's a few things I wanna share with you. Hope you enjoy it. And let meet again in the next post ^_^. GOD bless you all....
Best regards,

Wednesday, August 12, 2009 | Labels: From a friend | 0 Comments
My First Post ^_^

Alright.. alright....I'll tell you the truth, so be quiet...and listen to what I says ^_^. Actually, "Shimizu" means "clear water", and "Itoe" means "bless with love". It's a beautiful name isn't it. So it's mean "a clear water which bless with love" (I really love it ^_^). I get this name from the name generator (maybe you wanna try it..??), I just put my name ...and when my name generate to Japanese name, it will become Shimizu Itoe. What do you think..?? (I'm sure you'll like it too.. ^_^).
Today...I'm not gonna post some article or something, I just wanna introduce myself. By the way...if you wanna know what kind of girl I am.... well...uhm... I'm just an ordinary girl who love anime (you can see in my template, I put anime there), I like drawing anime too, music... uhm... I think everyone love music. And I do love art.
By the way... I get this cool template from my friend. Of course, after browse many template..and I think I like this one. But, originally there are no anime in this template. So.. I ask him to help me modified the template, and guess.... he did it for me ^_^. After a day of waiting...finally he contact me and told me that he already finish doing the template. Than I download the template, and upload to my's more beautiful than I thought ^_^. He add two beautiful anime girls on the header, and also my wonderful signature. I think I should thanks to him for this cute template ^_^.
Well.... I think it's enough for today. Don't forget to drop a comment for me... ^_^. Bye...and I'll see you in the next post, don't miss it ^_^.
ps: I really appreciate if you become my follower too ^_^..... so follow me...
Best regards,

Tuesday, August 11, 2009 | | 2 Comments
My Pictures Collection
Oops....sorry....... I haven't add a single picture ^_^. Maybe next time...
My Pictures CollectionAnyway...thanks

Tuesday, August 11, 2009 | | 0 Comments
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